Survey indicates drop in campus placement in 2013

Updated on: Thursday, November 01, 2012

Around 56% of the 125 recruiters surveyed by a job search site said that the campus placements in 2013 will be lesser. With placement season around the corner, the survey indicates that there will be a considerable drop in student intake when compared to last year. However, colleges claimed that the pre-placement offers made to students is on the rise and does not show signs of a slowdown.

The survey was conducted with recruiters across sectors to gauge an understanding on the campus hiring outlook for 2013-14 and the key challenges faced by them on-campus.

While recruiters who hire only management graduates said that they will visit lesser campuses and will hire fewer students, recruiters hiring only engineers had divided opinion. About 50% said that there will be a drop in campus hiring numbers and the rest claimed that they will maintain the recruitment similar to last year.

Among the recruiters in the IT sector, 53% of them said that campus hiring will not be affected because of the ongoing slowdown, while 47% said that they will lower their intake in 2013 as compared to last year. The survey was done by, an online portal which is exclusively aimed at searching jobs for fresh candidates.

Deepali Singh, Business Head, said, "Amid the economic uncertainty, most companies are cautious about their campus hiring and do not want to go overboard. However, as the survey suggests companies will still continue to hire but may lower numbers when compared to previous years." 

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