10,000 teachers to be recruited in Punjab

Updated on: Monday, August 24, 2009

Chandigarh: In a bid to streamline school education in the state, the Punjab Government has decided to recruit 10,810 new teachers in secondary schools and fill other vacancies in the sector within the next three months.

The decision was among several others taken at a review meeting of the Education (schools) Department chaired by the Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal here yesterday, his media advisor Harcharan Bains said today.

Badal has ordered that the the recruitment process to fill the vacancies for teachers in secondary schools and headmasters and principals in others be started immediately so that it could be completed within the next three months.

Providing requisite infrastructure including building, labs, libraries and laboratory equipment to all the schools in the state was also among the decisions taken at the meeting, Bains said, adding that 590 middle schools and 69 Primary schools would be constructed in various districts during the current year.

In addition 1833 additional classrooms, 21 model schools and an equal number of girls' hostels would be constructed in 21 educationally backward blocks in seven districts during the current fiscal.

The Chief Minister also stressed on the need for regular monitoring and inspection of schools to improve the quality of education in government schools.

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