IIT-Bombay professor awarded by a nanotechnology company from New Zealand

Updated on: Thursday, November 01, 2012

 Izon Science, a nanotechnology company from New Zealand, gifted Rinti Banerjee, professor, department of biosciences and bioengineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay with a highly advanced qNano system. Presented by Hans van der Voorn, executive chairman of Izon Science, award recognises the path-breaking technology platform and drug delivery mechanism developed by Banerjee.

The qNano provides the highly accurate information required to aid development of drug delivery systems that could deliver cancer drugs directly to the tumor.

Banerjee is the winner of numerous awards for her work including most recently the prestigious National Award for Women Bio-scientists by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. Her group focuses on development of non-invasive carriers for delivery of drugs using specifically engineered nano particle technologies. Several technologies developed by her group have been patented and have shown promising effects in vivo animal models.

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