CBSE has decided to include a student nominee in its course committees

Updated on: Friday, October 26, 2012

Students from schools affiliated to the CBSE, for the first time in its history, will get a chance to participate, express their opinion and give inputs during course committees' periodic meetings. The CBSE has decided to include a student nominee in its course committees.

The Central Board of Secondary Education has course committees for all its courses including vocational subjects. Each committee is reconstituted every three years. The committee discusses, debates, collects various inputs and ideas related to subject disciplines and reviews them to suit the needs of its students, parents and society.

The course committees constituted for major subjects will now have a student representative. These students, who have passed out of Class XII in March, 2012, based on their performance and in consultation with the schools, are being nominated by CBSE. The board is confident that the student nominees will actively contribute towards the development of its courses. The CBSE also considers the involvement of students in framing the syllabus essential, since the nominees will have a clear understanding of the future prospects of the subject along with the limitations.

The course committee consists of professors from universities, experts from National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT), teachers and subject experts from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatan, private and public schools and practicing teachers.

Vineet Joshi, chairman, CBSE, said, "We wish to make the courses and syllabus more inclusive and application-based. Since, the course and syllabus prepared by committees is to be followed by students; we will hear their voice. The inputs given by the students will help in designing the courses better." 

Inputs from students, one for each of the major subjects is expected to contribute to various aspects of the particular subject. The CBSE plans to use these inputs for improving the subject content and syllabus of the courses concerned.

The board is keen to understand the trends amongst students regarding the scope of the major subjects it offers as well as their link with the university/vocational degrees in India and abroad. This will help improve the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) - based educational system initiated by the CBSE.

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