Most Schools seem to be missing the deadline for registration under RTE

Updated on: Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's about schools, government and the poor children caught in between them. With only a week left for schools to get registered under the Right to Education (RTE) Act, most of them are still shying away.

Out of the 1,000 schools in Bangalore North, only 375 have approached the department to be recognized under the RTE. Similarly out of the 270 schools in Bangalore rural, only 81 private schools have volunteered to register.

Official sources said, "The registration is under process and we are hoping that all schools will register by October 31, 2012. Our BEOs are keeping track of the registered and unregistered schools and action will be taken against those who fail to register by October 31. We are doubtful about the schools which refused to take RTE students for the academic year 2012-13. We are keeping an eye on such schools,"

For the schools, there are one too many issues to be sorted out, like free reimbursement, uniforms and so on. "By this time, we were expecting all schools to get registered under RTE. But only 81 private schools have registered. We have issued notices to all schools to comply with the order,'' said HV Venkateshappa, DDPI, Bangalore rural.

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