Microsoft seeks to partner with the educational institutes to bring in more technology innovation

Updated on: Monday, October 22, 2012

Microsoft India announced the launch of a new education resourcing program 'Microsoft Ed–vantage' which seeks to partner with the educational institutes to bring in more technology innovation and enhance employability potential of students.

The program aims to consolidate and enhance the benefits to both academic institutions and students who are leveraging on Microsoft programs like 'campus agreements', 'IT academy', 'DreamSpark', 'Student2Business' that provide the right software tools to the faculty and students, said a statement.

The initiative was launched in Pune.

Its primary focus is to make students more employable and equip them with skills relevant to industry needs. It is designed to help academic campuses and students connect with Indian industry, thus creating a platform for the students to explore internship and employment opportunities.

Microsoft Corporation India managing director Sanket Akerkar said, "The programme represents an all new way under which academic institutions can work closely with Microsoft leveraging the technology and programs that we have to offer, build the right skills to become more employable while getting innovative." 

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