IIIT-A organising a three-week training programme for representatives of 14 countries from October 15

Updated on: Monday, October 15, 2012

In keeping with the commitment made by Government of India to African countries to provide technical support towards establishment of a Pan African Institute, the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad is organising a three-week training programme for representatives of 14 countries from October 15 on the Jhalwa campus.

Director of the institute Dr M D Tiwari said "Utility of Information technology has proved surmounting in any society. Indian and African governments are joining hands for a mutually beneficial arrangement of technological advancement."

Ministry of External Affairs along with Department of Science and Technology are spearheading the project of providing technical support towards establishment of the Pan African Institute and supportive the cause centrally and most actively would be the Indian Institute of Information Technology.

Over 32 delegates belonging to Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Burundi, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Sudan, Congo, Togo, Tunisia, Eritrea, Tanzania and other countries are taking part in the training programme which will be inaugurated by the director at the IIIT-A auditorium at 10:30 am on October 15.

Programme coordinator Dr Anurika Vaish said the training module revolves around three basic areas, which are research statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. While research concentrates on building up a thought process to initiate innovative ideas among students, statistics and machine learning attempt to develop the same in a technical and analytical perspective.

The programme will provide training that teaches various methods to undertake well defined science research with a global reach and mechanism to deploy appropriate statistical data and optimum use of technological innovations.

The main objective of the programme is to strengthen the human skills and efficient performance. It is hoped that this initiative will boost the research endeavor that would enable to attract the interest of private entrepreneurs. Fostering knowledge through research and training may act as an agent of change in their respective countries, said Dr Vaish.

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