Shortage of answer scripts may pose difficulty in holding exams by MU

Updated on: Monday, October 08, 2012

With over 50,000 students from affiliate colleges of MU preparing to appear for their semester exams, starting from November 1, the University is yet to get the answer scripts ready.

According to university sources, the proposal for buying the papers has been pending approval for over two months.

Unless the papers are printed soon the university could find it difficult to hold the exams, they warn.

“In the past the university procured papers from suppliers three months prior to exams and printed the students’ details on their front pages well in time.

But for reasons known only to officials in the purchasing committee and the controller of examinations, the university has not yet bought the papers for the coming exam so far, ” say officers.

A senior officer revealed that the administration was informed about the shortage of answer scripts a long time ago. “Despite this, the administration has been sitting on the file for months together.

The purchasing committee has not yet cleared the file as it is still debating whether to buy the paper from a government company or a private firm”, he reveals.

University vice-chancellor, Prof G. Thiruvasagam, when contacted, said it was exploring a different mode of purchase and this had delayed the process.

“Now we have returned to our original proposal and so I don’t think the exam will be delayed. We are making arrangements to have the papers ready as soon as possible,” he assured.

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