Youth only can take forward the dream of Rajiv Gandhi

Updated on: Friday, August 21, 2009

Chennai: Salman Khursheed, Union Minister of State for Corporate Affairs and Minority Affairs, on Thursday called upon the youth not to lose their faith on secularism.

Speaking in a seminar held at the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development at Sriperumbudur, Mr Khursheed pointed out that secularism was being abused in certain areas and affirmed that those who gave identity to the country had nourished and enriched the idea.
In the Indian context, secularism did not mean just tolerance of other religions but empathy and deep understanding. The ethos of the nation was liberal and accommodative, which were reflected in the Constitution, he said.

Paying his tribute to former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on the birth anniversary, the Union Minister called Sriperumbudur, a place of pilgrimage.

Rajiv Gandhi had rekindled the hopes of a new generation. Only the youths of this nation can carry forward his dream, he said.

Mr. Khursheed, who earlier visited the Rajiv Gandhi memorial near the Institute premises, administered an oath on the occasion. 

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