tips to motivate students in schools.

Updated on: Thursday, September 27, 2012

Certainly motivating students in the classroom is an arduous task, unless you have the right tool handy with you. Here, are some tips to motivate students in schools.

1 Stay positive:

Never lose hope on any issues related to students in the classroom. Stay positive and focusing on achievement will motivate students and help to create mutual respect for each individual and for learning. At any cost dont show that you are worked up. Avoid shouting and threatening students, as these never work to motivate students.

2 Make way for success:

Mediocre and below average students need to succeed in some small ways in order to be motivated to achieve greater things. Find ways and means for these struggling students to succeed without letting out your expectations.

3 Be excited:

If you are more excited about something, your students are also will follow suit. If you happen to reveal the topic you  are teaching is boring, so will your students. Hence, find creative ways to teach the most boring lessons.

4 Provide and encourage students to earn rewards:

Individual and whole class rewards can be a great motivation, especially when looking for appropriate behavior.

5 Emphasis on teamwork:

Ensure that you have ample activities that your students can work together. Group your students for simple projects, such as finding a current event to share every week. Encourage students to work in teams on projects that enable learning through exploration.

6 Public praise:

Praise the students publicly for their achievement. Small useful gifts or a certificate of appreciation, which will take the student a long away in the journey of accomplishment.

7 Praise appropriately:

Praise students appropriately. If you are struggling to motivate a child, be careful to not praise him for a non-achievement. Praise him for a job well done. Rewards and praise should not be handed out left and right, instead,  they should be selective and appropriate in order to motivate your students.

8 Develop problem-solving skills in students:
In order to create natural interest in the subject they are learning, teach students to solve problems.  Providing opportunities for students to make mistakes and figure out how to accomplish a goal will make schooling more interesting. Thus motivate them to try, until they succeed.

9 Expose students to varied experiences:

Different children have the ability to succeed in different areas in their lives. The more success a student sees in the classroom, the more motivated he will be to continue to be successful. Motivating students needs little effort, but the reward is worth the effort.

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