Management for life

Updated on: Wednesday, August 19, 2009

THE importance of management education cannot be overemphasised in today’s interdisciplinary world. It essentially prepares one to make

profitable and judicious decisions within the constraints of resources, materials, men and machines. This stands a management graduate in good stead in almost every professional domain. In order to throw light on the many faceted benefits of a management degree, Education Times in association with National Institute of Management Studies (NIMS), conducted a counseling session.

Says Soumitra Mookherjee, founder managing partner, Unik Solutions, "In recent years, there has been a substantial shift in the teaching pedagogy and methodology that in itself has augmented the real-life relevance of management education." Explaining further, he says that practical exposure is given priority over theoretical tutoring. A balanced personality development is sought by students in a collaborated team work and by providing opportunities for industry-oriented training. Moreover, there is a great deal of emphasis on role play, simulations and case studies that, among other things, reiterates the intrinsic relationship between management principles and real life.

Mookherjee says that another significant edge, which a management degree provides is that it makes one adept and flexible to embark upon multiple roles within an organisation and explore opportunities within a plethora of allied sectors. "The subjects taught at the foundation level offer an understanding of the basic principles of business that are common to almost all sectors, while the specialisation subject exposes one to the nuances and intricacies of a specific function," observes Parmar. "Hence, it will not be an exaggeration to say that a management graduate is equipped to handle both generalist and specialist business and managerial functions within organisations," he says.

KK Dua, head of the human resources department, Netaji Subhash Institute of Management Sciences, says that a course in management, among other things, is also a sound career investment. Explaining further, he says, "Judicious planning and careful implementation underlies the success philosophy in almost every sector in today’s competitive scenario. The concepts and applications of management are all geared to maximise profits and desired outcomes and avoid wastages. Therefore, a management graduate finds it relatively easier than individuals with other academic backgrounds to streamline himself/herself in relation to the requirements of varied business environments."

"Also, management is a subject that finds immense relevance in sectors that fall outside the purview of business. For instance, the principles of management find close application in the defence forces which explains why so many defence personnel undertake management courses in the middle of their career," informs Parmar. Parmar says that a management course at the postgraduate level increments the career prospects of people who have pursued professional degrees at the graduate level incrementally. "It is an asset for engineers and economics graduates," he adds.

Talking about how the role of management has changed in the aftermath of the economic meltdown, Parmar says, "The functions essentially continue to remain the same. However, managers today have become more cautious about assessing business prospects. They are also more conscientious, when it comes to making realistic decisions."

Times of india

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