Germany to set up a research and innovation centre in Delhi

Updated on: Thursday, September 06, 2012

With the aim of fostering enhanced academic and research cooperation, Germany has decided to set up a German house for research and innovation in Delhi.
The facility will serve as a 'one-stop shop' for students, researchers and potential partner institutions and disseminate information about higher education in Germany, said the statement issued by the German embassy here.
New Delhi is one of the five focal points for enhanced German academic and research cooperation, along with Sao Paolo Moscow, New York and Tokyo, it said.
To mark the inauguration of the facility here, the embassy and the German Research Foundation (DFG) will be organising a 'Grand Science Slam' on October 27.
The event will include topics from all fields of science including humanities and social sciences. Young scientists and science enthusiasts can showcase their best and most interesting scientific projects to eminent researchers and the general public.
Talking about the German house, German Ambassador to India Michael Steiner said, "it will be a scientific hub for young talents and a landmark for innovation which benefits India as well as Germany."

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