Teachers do not want their kids to study in the school they teach in

Updated on: Thursday, September 06, 2012

A quarter of teachers in the UK say they would not send their own children to the schools they teach in, a new survey has found.
Poor buildings and inadequate facilities were cited as the main reasons, with those questioned claiming they hindered learning and were a health and safety hazard.
A total of 2178 teachers from a range of different schools across the UK took part in the survey, 'The Telegraph' reported.
Over half of teachers (50.5 per cent) who responded felt their lessons were made harder by inadequate facilities and one in five of the teachers surveyed (20.3 per cent) felt their classrooms were unfit to teach in.
When asked whether their school posed a health and safety hazard, just under half (45.5 per cent) responded in yes.
Two thirds of teachers (68.5 per cent) felt their school buildings needed modernising.
Gerard Kelly, editor of the Times Educational Supplement - which commissioned the poll, said, "The quality of school buildings are very important to teaching and it is apparent that there is a need for investment." 
"While one has to accept that we live in straightened times, it is clear that finding cash to refurbish our crumbling schools should be a matter of urgency," she added.

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