Slew of reforms being mooted by the education department to make implementation of RTE effective,

Updated on: Monday, September 03, 2012

Teachers working in habitations having more than one government school may have to take classes in other nearby schools in future, if the reforms being mulled by the School Education Department take shape into a policy.

It was one of a slew of reforms being mooted by the department to make implementation of the Right to Education (RTE) effective, Minister for Primary Education S. Sailajanath stated here on Saturday. Review of policy changes that had taken place over the last 20 years, keeping syllabus and textbooks online allowing discussion and suggestions and providing textbooks in native languages (in Telugu script) were also being thought of.

The Minister reasoned that the inability of people in a locality to own up the school was resulting in poor monitoring of the institution ultimately resulting in poor quality of education imparted to the children. Identifying the elements that were distancing schools from local people was important in providing quality education, he noted.

Speaking at a State-level consultation on the implementation of RTE, Dr. Sailajanath said orders would be issued in a month’s time making education of school management committee members’ children in the school concerned compulsory to make locals own up the school. They were thinking over rotating teachers between schools in a habitation as it would help meet shortage of teachers.

The government was finalising a system for arranging remedial classes after school hours to make the children cope with the syllabus, the Minister said. Setting up a parallel mechanism to mandal education officers (MEOs) to monitor school was also on the anvil as appointing new MEOs was not possible due to legal obstacles.

Representatives of several NGOs participating in the implementation of RTE made several suggestions at the meeting .

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