Centralised Sports Complex from BHU

Updated on: Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Banaras Hindu University (BHU) is planning to create a centralised sports complex for students of all faculties and departments.

Dr RN Singh, general secretary, University Sports Board, said, the university has proposed the idea of a sports complex with several play grounds for different sports like football, volleyball, cricket, basket ball. According to Singh, apart from the main sports complex, there were seven playgrounds in different faculties of the university, however after the formation of Indian Insititute of Technology, BHU, as many as three playgrounds have been separated from it. "The only remaining four faculty playgrounds are in Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Insitute of Medical Sciences (IMS), faculty of Arts and faculty of Science. As such the pressure on these playgrounds is increasing. To overcome this, vice-chancellor, Dr Lalji Singh has proposed the idea of a centralised sports complex, which is still in pipeline and university board is planning its structure", informed Singh. According to him, the centralised sports complex will not only reduce the pressure on other playgrounds, but it will help in the formation of university teams as all the players of a particular game will practice in the same ground instead of practising in their particular faculty grounds.

Notably, it will also increase the efficiency of the team and coaches would be able to notice the players at one place, he said.

It is worth mentioning here that the already existing sports complex near University Sports Board of the university consists of a foot ball ground, cricket ground, basket ball court, two volleyball courts, three tennis courts, five squash courts, a swimming pool. "University is also well equipped with all indoor games and sports like archery, shot put, discuss throw, javelin, gymnasium, yoga and others. However, apart from swimming, university lacks its share in water sports activities", he shared.

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