IIM-C student to do a thesis on clinical drug trials in the country

Updated on: Monday, August 27, 2012

A student of Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIM-C) is all set to undertake a research on the clinical drug trials that have put into question mark the functioning of medical fraternity and regulatory authorities.

Research scholar, Apoorv Khare intends to do a thesis on clinical drug trials in the country, especially in Madhya Pradesh, and its various aspects including regulatory procedures, current business practices, patients and organization representing the patients.

Talking to TOI, he said, "I have been closely watching the developments on the issue since long. During my work, I decided to choose it as a topic of research. It is an issue related to consumers and also involves other related issues. So, I am looking forward to it. Though it is too early, I will do comprehensive research on the topic."

To learn about the effect of drugs trials on patients, Khare, has approached a local health activist who had joined the movement against the unethical drug trials and the regulation of clinical drug trials in the country. "Clinical drug trials is an international issue thoroughly covered by media. Indore has been continuously named for unethical trials and local activists have in-depth knowledge on the topic. They could be of great help," said Khare. Khare is likely to visit Indore in October-November to interact with the patients, doctors and activists to understand various aspects and intricacies related to testing of drugs on humans.

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