State government to sponsor 25 PG students from arts and science colleges for a one year study in UK varsity.

Updated on: Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The state government has decided to sponsor 25 postgraduate students from its arts and science colleges for a one year study in a UK varsity.

The higher education department has received instructions from chief minister J. Jayalalithaa to draw up the scheme to help students from poor economic backgrounds widen their horizons through courses in the UK, according to sources.

“So far poor students could not even dream of pursuing higher education in a foreign university as they needed to spend about Rs 10 to Rs 15 lakh on these courses. But now with the state government sponsoring their education, even poor students can go abroad for higher studies,” says an education officer.

The scheme came up for discussion at the recent meeting of the Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education, where higher education minister, P. Palaniappan brought it to the attention of vice-chancellors of all arts and science universities.

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