Lectures inspiring public debate on matters of international importance launched

Updated on: Friday, August 17, 2012

A lecture series aimed at inspiring public debate on matters of international importance was launched by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) and the Oberoi Group.

The Director of Geo-economics and strategy of IISS Sanjaya Baru said that the lectures and the forum meetings will take place at The Oberoi Trident, Mumbai. 

The first IISS Oberoi lecture will be delivered by Klaus Regling, the CEO of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), based in Luxembourg on "The Euro and the Future of Europe" on August 21.

Klaus Regling has worked for 35 years as an economist in senior positions in the public and private sector in Europe, Asia and the USA including a decade with the IMF in Washington and Jakarta.

Important personalities with influence in global international affairs will deliver the IISS Oberoi lectures. The lectures will be of interest to the professional community in Mumbai, a release by the IISS said.

The spirit and purpose of the lecture series would be to inspire informed intelligent public debate on matters of international importance from an international perspective delivered to an elite audience of bankers, business and opinion leaders in India's financial capital.

The IISS Oberoi discussion forum would be an off-the-record conversation for a small and exclusive group of selected leaders of Indian business led by an international renowned expert, either from the IISS faculty or invited by the IISS.

"This exclusive discussion forum would bring world-class expertise to the Mumbai business community on matters of international political and geo-economic interest," it said.

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