Tamil Nadu science forum submitsstudy conducted on the CCE

Updated on: Monday, August 13, 2012

The Tamil Nadu science forum on Thursday submitted a study conducted on the continuous comprehensive evaluation (CCE) system that has been implemented by the state government.

The study revealed that the system had room for improvement and unless the necessary changes are made, the students would not benefit from it.

The forum said that surveys should be conducted about the system and the government should also do a pilot study before implementing CCE fully in higher education.

The government has implemented the CCE system for classes one to eight this year and plans to do the same for high school next year and extend it the following year for higher secondary.

However, a study by the Tamil Nadu science forum conducted in 23 districts among thousands of teachers found that certain changes were needed to make CCE more effective.

Though the CCE system is a welcome change, it is not comprehensive enough and if it were not improved, the purpose of it would be lost, said the forum members.

The infrastructure, recruitment of staffs and syllabus are closely linked to the evaluation system and it should be implemented only after taking suggestions from the parents, students and the teachers.

The fact that a pilot study was not conducted before implementing CCE is a major drawback and the same goes for the tri-semester learning method as well, pointed out the study. This would also lead to bias in the classrooms, the study added.

It was found that the training for staffs to evaluate in this method was done in haste and the teachers were still not proficient.

“CCE has been formulated for schools that work on the ratio of 1:20 but the reality is far from different,” said the members.

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