PG students in Hyderabad Central University putting up with miserable living quarters.

Updated on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Post-graduate students who joined Hyderabad Central University this academic year have to put up with miserable living quarters. They have been forced to live in tiny, cramped hostel rooms because the new hostel buildings on campus are not yet ready.

Apart from the discomfort, the students will have to adjust to the different time schedules of their room mates. Bose Babu, an MA political science student said: “I was expecting to share the accommodation with one student. I was surprised to see the authorities cramming in one more student. The room is tiny and has no proper cupboard.”

Another fresher, Karthik Kumar, an MA English student, protested: “I was very unhappy, as they clubbed me with students from other states. When I contacted the hostel authorities, they refused to change my room and asked me to wait for five more months. It is unfair to newcomers because the authorities are only allowing seniors to change their rooms.”

R.S Sarraju, chief warden, HCU explained: “Due to the non-availability of sand in the market, there is a delay in the construction of the new hostel buildings. Freshers will be asked to share the hostel rooms on temporary basis as the new buildings are still under construction and will be completed in the next four months.”

According to Professor Rajasheker, dean of students welfare, HCU, special arrangements will be made for students coming from other states. He noted: “We have requested the state students to adjust for a few months by sharing the accommodation. Newcomers will be shifted to the new block by the end of September,” said the Dean.

Students are also unhappy about the new mess rates. Mahesh Kumar, an MA student in political science , said: “Initially hostel students paid Rs 1,000 towards the mess bill every month. This year the amount has been increased to Rs 1,500 per head, increasing our expense.”

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