Higher education and research bill will widen the possibilities for integrated practices in the sector.

Updated on: Monday, July 16, 2012

While the Bar Council of India (BCI) is all set to intensify their protest against the proposed Higher Education and Research Bill, 2011 across the country, Oscar Fernandes, MP and the chairman of the parliamentary standing committee for the ministry of human resource development said the proposed bill is not aimed to put an end to any such bodies in the higher education sector and the bill will widen the possibilities for integrated practices in the sector.

On Monday, the BCI and all state bar councils have decided to intensify their agitation against the new bill, which intends to put an end to the prerogative of the BCI for the inspection of educational institutions in the country imparting law education. Adovate fraternity feels that the manner in which bill has been drafted will only result in marginalizing their representation in the legal education sector and profession.

Despite the University Grants Commission (UGC) was constituted as a statutory body based on UGC Act-1956, several councils for specialised education sectors remained as seperate bodies. The draft of the proposed bill observes that the councils for technical , professional and medical education sectors have focussed attention on the specialised areas of education, but 'it has also led to fragmenttaion of knowledge with different regulatory agencies taking different views on matters of standards and promotion of higher education.'

The Education Commission (Kothari Commission, 1964-66) had also recommended a similar integrated system in the Indian higher education sector representing the entire spectrum of higher education, courses and areas.

The proposed Higher Education and Research Bill, 2011 shall consists of a chairperson and six members appointed by the president of India, literally replacing the powers of UGC. The Higher Education Commisison will have a general council including the chairperson, selected members, representatives of state higher education councils and research councils.

It will have a dedicated Board of Research Promotion and Innovation and the bill proposes to establish a Higher Education Financial Services Corporation to disburse grants to higher education institutions.

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