Bihar Governor indicted by Accountant General on VC, Pro VC appointments

Updated on: Friday, July 13, 2012

The Accountant General has indicted Bihar Governor Devanand Konwar, in his capacity as Chancellor of Universities, for appointment of six vice-chancellors and four pro-vice-chancellors without consultation with the state government.
The Governor or his Secretariat held no consultation with the state government as prescribed under rule 10(2) of the Bihar State University Act, 1976 before going ahead with 'irregular' appointment of the six vice-chancellors, the AG said in a report.
It said that the Principal Secretary (Higher Education) had stated that no consultation was ever made by the Chancellor with the state government regarding the appointments.
The appointment of the six VCs was also not in inconsonance with the UGC Regulations 2010 and the provisions incorporated in the respective Universities Act through amendment as no search committee was constituted nor any panel of names recommended, the AG report said.
Another provision of the UGC Regulations 2010 requiring that 'persons of the highest level of competence, integrity, morals and institutional commitments were to be appointed as the VCs was also breached as two appointees KSD Sanskrit University VC Dr. Arvind Kumar Pandey and BRA Bihar University VC Prof. (Dr.) Vimal Kumar, were facing criminal enquiries, it said.

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