Institute dedicated to research and innovation and regional networking to be set up in the country

Updated on: Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A first-of-its kind institute in the Pacific region, dedicated to research and innovation and regional networking, will be set up in the country as a UNESCO category one centre.

To be named as Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, the institute would be inspired by Gandhi's vision of peace and sustainability.
HRD Minister Kapil Sibal and Director General of UNESCO Irina Bokova signed an agreement in this regard yesterday in Paris.
The institute's core activity will lie in research and capacity building. It will encourage knowledge exchange, regional networking and catalyse innovation by helping to design and test new approaches to education, a government release said.
An expert advisory group would soon be set up by UNESCO to develop an agenda for the institute.
"The institute comes at the right time, a time when the world is debating the contours of the century ahead. As the challenges of the 21st century are qualitatively different from the challenges of the 20th century, global understanding
and education would assist in appreciating the impact of these challenges on peace and its relation to sustainable development," Sibal said after signing the agreement.

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