Four allied studies in Chemistry at PG will be considered for PG positions in teaching

Updated on: Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TN govt. has announced that four allied studies in Chemistry at PG will be considered for PG positions in teaching and for promotion purposes.

Over the past, several petitions were filed at the Madras High Court concerning appointment and promotion of PG teachers at Govt. and Govt Aided schools in Tamil Nadu, who had completed BSc Chemistry as Under Graduation and further moved on to pursue specialized studies in PG like Organic Chemistry, In-organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Industrial Chemistry.

Director of School Education has asked, Seceratary, School Education to pass necessary orders to consider such candidates with specialization studies in Chemistry to be considered equivalent to those completed Chemistry as main subject in Post Graduation.  

Meanwhile, in a Education Equivalence Committee meeting held on March 27, TNPSC Secretary has recommended the state to consider the four specialization studies in Chemistry at PG level equivalent to MSc Chemistry for PG teaching positions and promotions in schools.

Based on this recommendation, Sabitha, Secretary, School Education has ordered that the four specialization studies in Chemistry at PG level are equivalent to MSc Chemistry.     

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