New science policy to give primacy to global competitiveness on scientific discoveries

Updated on: Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The government is expected to unveil a new science policy next year which will give primacy to global competitiveness on scientific discoveries and giving affordable solutions through science.

Neeraj Sharma, Head of Policy Research Cell, Department of Science & Technology, said, "The New Policy document would seek to emphasise on global competitiveness of discovery science as well as affordability through solution science."
Participating in a consultation exercise, he said the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy would help in achieving faster, sustainable and inclusive growth and proposed to introduce sound measurement systems based on global experience.
The emphasis of Policy will be to provide a renewed impetus for the science and technology sector while creating a vibrant innovation ecosystem that is intertwined with the overall S&T strategy, he said.
"In 2003, almost a decade ago, Science and Technology policy was formulated. In the last 10 years, S&T has undergone drastic changes and needs a new STI policy to contribute effectively to country's economic growth," Sharma said.
The new policy would be framed with the aim of providing a transition from perception to evidence-based approaches for investment decisions and gaining technological self-reliance through substantial budgetary support to S&T sector, he said.

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