Private schools still confused over minority institutions

Updated on: Monday, June 25, 2012

Though the implementation of the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 (RTE) may be under way, some associations of private schools still lack clarity about certain aspects as far as implementation of the Act is concerned. A confusion is the definition of minority institutions.

K.V. Dhananjay, advocate for the Karnataka Unaided Schools Management Association (KUSMA), said, “We wrote to the State government on April 30, asking that the word ‘minority’ should be defined when they exempted minority institutions from the purview of the Act. We got a reply on May 7 saying that it will be discussed; but we have received no information since then.”

Explaining that the association had both minority as well as majority institutions, Mr. Dhananjay said that this would help them know which schools fall under the minority category.

Sudi Suresh, Secretary, Karnataka State Private School Management Federation, said that various member-school managements were constantly being pressured to accept applications coming in after May 25, despite it being the last day to accept applications. “Member-schools have accepted applications till the last date of May 25 and students have availed themselves of seats as well,” he said.

However, Block Education Officer (BEO), North Range 1, Gopalakrishna, maintained that no management had complained about receiving late applications.

“If we receive complaints, it shall be discussed with the Deputy Director of Public Instruction (DDPI).

“Action will be taken against managements who refuse to accept children who applied before the last date,” he pointed out.

KUSMA has called a meeting of its members on Sunday. “The 1,800 members of the association have unanimously decided that they will do as suggested by KUSMA but the final decision will be taken by the managements,” said Mr. Dhananjay.

Mr. Suresh also said that members of the Karnataka State Private School Management Federation will meet Primary and Secondary Education Minister Vishweshwara Hegde Kageri next week to discuss the issues that need to be resolved.

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