Legislation on the lines of UGC to improve distance education

Updated on: Saturday, June 23, 2012

A panel that went into the present status of distance education has recommended to the HRD Ministry that an independent legislation be passed, on the lines of UGC.

Prof N R Madhava Menon, noted legal educator and founder-director of  National Law School of India University (NLSIU) told reporters here, "I have recently submitted a report on the performance of the distance education system in the country...So we have recommended to have an independent legislation like the UGC, ..it will be on an independent statuatory basis."
He earlier delivered a speech at the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) here.
Menon said that distance education,if properly organised, can almost double or treble higher education enrolment than at present and aded that the sector was now a part of IGNOU.
He said the sector was in "total chaos" due to a variety of reasons.
"There will be private players in the distance education sector. But they must ensure maintainence of standards. So these norms have to be set by the Distance Education Council. If those norms are set well and monitored properly, distance education can go even to technical education," Menon said.
On the status of his report to the HRD, he said he has submitted it and it was being, "I am told some action is being taken. It was submitted in March or April this year."
He hoped the National Commission on Higher Education and Research Bill is passed in the next session in Parliament.
"..hopefully, it will be passed in the next session. If it is passed in the next session,you will find a total structural change in the higher education sector. Its objective is ensure autonomy for universities and colleges," he said.
Menon is also the IBA Chair on Continuing Legal Education at NLSIU.

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