Distance education Ph. Ds lost value for job

Updated on: Thursday, August 13, 2009

Chennai:M.Phil and Ph.D through distance education mode are no more eligible for government jobs and teaching positions in govt, govt-aided and self financing colleges

'Since the University Grants Commission (UGC) has done away with acquiring of state-level eligibility test, national eligibility test qualification for Ph. D and M. Phil candidates, it has become essential to improve the quality of M. Phil and Ph. D courses,' said K. Ganesan, the higher education secretary.
Mr. Ganesan told that the vice-chancellors had informed that no Ph. D programme was available in distance education.

'To tone up the proficiency of candidates, from the academic year 2007-2008 onwards, M. Phil, Ph. D programme may not be offered through distance education and the same will be offered only in regular courses,' the April 3, 2009 order states.

Based on this decision, the government directed universities not to conduct M. Phil and Ph. D courses in distance education mode from  2007-08. 'The government examined the matter and declared that the M. Phil and Ph. D degrees obtained through correspondence and open universities ineligible for appointment as lecturers in government colleges and universities, including self-financing colleges,' the order stated.

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