Mathematical Laboratory to teach Maths the easy way

Updated on: Thursday, June 21, 2012

The very idea of cracking mathematical problems sometimes sets off panic among students. To counter the fear a group of researchers from the city has now come up with the idea of a mathematical laboratory, where children can learn the subject through activity and use of models.

The team of innovators from the Centre for Educational Research and Training has developed over 300 experiments and gadgets to teach maths the easy way to school children.

The models range from simple ‘number strings’ to impart counting skills to complex models for teaching concepts of volume and linear pairs.

CERT managing director, Sanjayan Raghavan, says the idea is to provide concrete learning activity and processes for the study of a very abstract subject.

CERT senior manager, N.S. Vijilal, notes that the mathematical laboratories are a fitting contribution to this year that has been declared the National Year of Mathematics. “We hope these labs will eradicate students’ phobia for maths.”

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