Strict Action against schools collecting excess fees

Updated on: Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Directorate of Matric schools has ordered to take strict actions by the team headed by Chief Education officer, against schools collecting excess fees fixed by the Tamil Nadu fee fixation committee. Apart from that it has also stated that criminal action would be instigated against erring school management.

Over the past month, the state has witnessed several agitations from parents side on excess fees collections by private schools. Parents allege that officials fail to take prompt and firm actions against these schools though Directorate of Matric schools has taken certain steps. Even the inspectors of Matric schools, fail to take proper action on private schools resulting in these increasing demonstrations.

Directorate of Matric schools' sources said, "proper actions have been taken against complaints on 15 schools in chennai and have been ordered to repay the excess amount collected from the students.

We are unable to handle the complaints coming from every district. Hence, we have appointed committees headed by respective chief education officers of the various distircts.

This committee includes inspector of Matic schools and other officials. These committees have been instructed to immediately enquire and take action against schools breaking the fee norms. At the same time, the committee should not hesitate to take criminal action against school officials if they fail to go by the fee norms.

In a meeting that was held on Monday, we have clearly instructed about this to all the inspectors of Matric schools, revealed directorate sources.

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