Government yet to issue orders fixing the self-financing medical fees.

Updated on: Saturday, June 16, 2012

The engineering and medical option registration processes, which were to start on Thursday as part of the first phase of allotment to the two streams, failed to take off due to government faltering on issuing orders fixing the self-financing medical fees.

Commissioner of Entran-ce Examinations B.S. Mavoji said he was yet to get orders in this regard and was unable to launch the proceedings.

Kerala private medical college management association representing 11 SF medical colleges is toying with the idea of backing out of the agreement unless the state agreed to its demand for 20 per cent privilege seats in 50 per cent management quota seats.

Meanwhile, three medical colleges in the association, Kannur Medical College, Karuna Medical College Palakkad and CSI Medical College Karakkonam, are understood to have walked out from the agreement, claiming they were having minority rights.

This will mean these three colleges would make admissions to their 100 per cent seats on their own.

MES Medical College too has threatened to ditch the agreement. It’s because of this stalemate that the state is unable to issue a GO fixing the fee in the SF colleges, which prevents the CEE from notifying the option registration and opening his site for the same to allow the anxious students to register their choices.

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