1 Gbps international link for supporting large flows of scientific data

Updated on: Thursday, June 14, 2012

In a step to engage scientific community directly with global counterparts for research in advanced big-data sciences, India's first public 1 Gbps international link has begun supporting large flows of scientific data between US and the country from June 9.

The 1 Gbps international link is one of two such links donated by Tata Communications Ltd for use, free of cost for one year, to the US National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded GLORIAD/Taj programme, a release here said.
One of the key goals of the 'Taj' extension of GLORIAD was to connect Egypt and India to Singapore and to Amsterdam. The Egypt link was inaugurated in May this year.
The connectivity to GLORIAD (http://www.gloriad.org), a special science and education internet with multiple 10 Gbps links connecting 15 partner countries, is meant exclusively for research and education (R&E) purposes.
Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Mumbai has played a key enabling role in the project.
The project will also create India's first community owned and operated 'Open Exchange' in Bangalore for advanced R&E communication services, ORF senior fellow Dr Leena Chandran-Wadia said.

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