UP Govt to act against erring primary school teachers

Updated on: Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Uttar Pradesh government promised to initiate strict action against those primary school teachers, who are not taking classes, and would also probe allegations that they ere sub-letting their teaching jobs to others by giving them meagre payments.
Basic Education Minister Ram Govind Chowdhury said in Assembly, "The government will take strict action against primary teachers, who are not attending their duties. The allegation that teachers are sub-letting their teaching work to others will also be probed".
Chowdhury was replying to a question raised by Congress member Mukesh Srivastav.
During the course of the discussion, BJP leader Hukum Singh alleged that primary teachers were sub-letting their teaching work on payment of Rs 1,000-1,500 to others and not going to school after which the government assured an inquiry into the matter.
The minister said that 2.58 lakh posts of teachers were vacant in the basic education department and attempts were on to fill these seats.
He said that a letter has been written to the Centre to permit to deploy BEd candidates in primary schools after special basic teachers course (BTC) training.

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