Meeting for enhancing High Performance Computing

Updated on: Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A meeting of top computer scientists has been convened in Delhi on July 4 by the central government to work out a "common strategy and medium term action plan" for enhancing High Performance Computing (HPC) in the country.
Union Minister of State for Planning, Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, Ashwani Kumar told reporters here, the government, which has already provided for a fund of Rs 5,000 crore in the 12th Five Year Plan for scaling up the HPC, had also initiated setting up of several supercomputing facilities in a "three-tier architecture" comprising various HPC systems at regional and national level.

Kumar, who visited the National Param Supercomputing Facility (NPSF) here, said the measures to enhance HPC would help the country in being at par with the international capabilities in the areas of weather modelling, strategic science and technology, ocean modelling, disaster management and space discoveries.
"Super computing capabilities is a national imperative and involves India's strategic interests," he said.
He said the proposed July 4 meeting in the national capital would also focus on removing anomalies in the development of HPC to achieve the targeted goals. 

The minister also inaugurated the Centre of Excellence on solar energy during his visit to the city-based National Chemical Laboratory (NCL).
Kumar hailed the research and development work being carried out at the premiere laboratory and pledged all the governmental assistance to its ongoing projects and innovations for affordable technologies.

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