When the times are bad

Updated on: Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A few tips that would help students tide over the tough standards set by companies

The popular adage ‘the tough get going when the going gets tough’ has become more relevant to the recruitment scene in these difficult times.

Companies have tightened their screening process to pick the best among the lot. With the number of openings getting drastically reduced, students need to brush up their skills to match the growing competition. Here are a few tips that would help them get a new job.

•Organisations look at people who are independent. Companies want people who are willing to take up new responsibilities.

•Job seekers will have to learn new skills. For those who have a resistance to learning new skills, the going will be tough.

•Companies look for commitment from the part of their employees.

Commitment can never be compromised today. If you do something, better do it whole-heartedly. There is no point in doing it half-heartedly. It’s a waste of time.

•Develop team work skills. People need to fit into a team to perform in a company.

•Youngsters need to step up their communication skills.

•The standards to be set up in companies are going to be higher. A major reason for candidates getting rejected in interviews is the lack of spoken and written skills. You can gain communication skills only through practice. There is no alternative.

•Companies prefer people having the capacity to do multiple tasks.

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