Plus two passed students can make employment registration in school

Updated on: Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Students who have passed plus two exams can register for employment in the school itself while getting their certificates.

Employment exchange and trainings has brought out this facility through this special joint effort of education department, to all students having passed the plus two to register for employment with ease in their respective school itself on the date of collecting certificates.

Students need to take along with them their caste certificate, family ration card while going to collect their certificates.   Those who had already registered their tenth qualification need to take along with them Employment Registration ID card.

All those who are registering now will be immediately given a Employment Registration ID card. Physically challenged students need to first register their qualification in the school and then later register at their qualification in their respective district employment offices on another day.

This facility will be carried out for 15 days only from May 30 to June 13. Those students registering will provided seniority on day basis.

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