TCS survey puts 85 percent School kids on facebook

Updated on: Saturday, May 26, 2012

A survey by the largest software exporter TCS has found that 85 percent of the schoolkids in the country's top 12 cities use the social networking site Facebook.

There is a huge liking within the age group for mobile phones, once restricted to calling and texting, which are now being used for a variety of purposes, it said here today.

Around 79.47 percent of those in the 12-18 age bracket polled said they have a mobile phone while 42.02 percent of them said they use a mobile phone for connecting to the Internet, it said, citing its December 2011 survey of 12,300 high schoolkids conducted in 12 cities.

Interestingly, in the run-up to its public offering, analysts had raised flags over Facebook's ability to tap into the growing mobile segment as a concern area.

In the financial capital of Mumbai, 98.77 percent kids said they own a mobile phone with 45.56 percent of them voting it as their favourite gadget, over laptops, MP3 players and gaming consoles.

Nationally, the mobile phone has been voted as the most favourite gadget with a majority 27.78 percent saying its a favourite.

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