Paperless exam from Patna University

Updated on: Friday, May 18, 2012

Patna University is planning to introduce paperless exam from next academic year for its different courses as per its ongoing modernisation plan. It has already introduced computerised evaluation this year for answer books of degree examination.

According to the Vice chancellor, Shambhu Nath Singh, the University is planning to have a large hi-fi examination hall with a seating capacity of 5,000 to 6,000 so that examinees could be accommodated in batches. Each seat at the examination hall would be fitted with an iPad for examinees to write the answers. The iPad would record the answers which would be later uploaded on PU's computer system for the purpose of evaluation.

computerized examination and evaluation would not only minimize the quantum of manual work but also expedite timely publication of results. Besides, there would be complete transparency in the system, the VC said.

PU has already introduced computerized evaluation of answer books of Degree Part I Honours examinations in arts, science and commerce streams. The university has signed an MoU with a Bangalore-based firm 'Mind Logic' for the purpose. The company has installed large scanners and sufficient number of computers to facilitate the scanning and evaluation of answer books.

PU computer centre in charge K P Singh said all the coded answer books of examinees were being scanned and uploaded on computers. Examiners having their own codes would be handed over the computers for evaluation. As soon as the examiner enters his code, he would be able to access the answer books of the paper he is supposed to evaluate.

The examiner would be required just to evaluate the answer book of examinees and enter the marks for every answer. He need not do the totalling work, which would be done by the computer. The results would be published within two to three days of evaluation of answer books, Singh said.

The evaluated answer books would be displayed on the PU's website so that students could see them if they so desire. This would bring in more transparency and even the examiners would do their work more sincerely, the VC said.

PU is also planning to introduce virtual classes from the next session. With this a student of B N College or Magadh Mahila College can attend the lecture delivered by a teacher of Patna Science College through networking. The process of networking is already on in different colleges and postgraduate departments of the PU.

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