Tamil Nadu gets 2 new veterinary colleges, 34 more seats

Updated on: Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The launch of two new colleges in Thanjavur and Tirunelveli has added 34 seats to the Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry programme of the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. The number of seats has gone up from 226 to 260 for the 2012-13 academic year.

Announcing the beginning of the admission process to undergraduate courses for the next academic year, vice-chancellor Dr R Prabakaran said the popularity of veterinary courses has been growing rapidly.

"The veterinary and fisheries sectors are the only two industries growing at the same pace as the software industry, at 8-10%. There is a high demand for the courses as people have realised that all who complete them can get into government jobs. There is a lot of scope in the private sector too," he said. Against the annual requirement of 3,700 veterinary graduates in the country, only 1,800 students pass out, he said.

Application forms for the Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Bachelor of Fisheries Science and Animal Husbandry, BTech in Food Processing Technology and BTech in Poultry Production Technology can be bought from veterinary institutes from May 14. For further details visit www.tanuvas.ac.in. tnn

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