XLRI GMP batch completes a year

Updated on: Monday, April 30, 2012

The full-time General Management Programme (GMP) batch of 2011-2012 of XLRI School of Business and Human Resources, Jamshedpur completed its one year at the institute on Saturday, April 21, 2012.
The batch comprising of 121 students commenced the programme at the institute with interesting and adventurous trips to distantly located villages around Jamshedpur to experience the tough life of rural India. The program christened ‘Rural Exposure Programme’ was designed to help students to explore the possibilities of business opportunities and resources in rural India.

The goal was to further assist and support people in the villages to have control over their products, resources and to expand their market reach as well. For the final curriculum, some students representing the entire batch went for a social mission to a nearby village called Tirildih to conduct a career counselling and health awareness programme for the Tirildih School in association with TATA Steel Rural Development Society, a wing of TATA Steel.

The head of Rural Medical Services Dr P C Mahapatra of Tata Steel arranged this career counselling-cum-health programme at the request of XLRI students.

The GMP batch, which comprises of doctors, entrepreneurs, chartered accountants and engineers, nominated three doctors Dr Birendera Jit Singh, Dr Ashwani Agarwal, Dr Vinod I V R S and an engineer Shantanu Roy to conduct this outing at Tirildih. Shantanu Roy spoke in the local dialect – Bengali, about the future career prospects for the young brigade of Tirildih.

All the Class X students attended the event with utmost interest and attention. Dr Ashwani spoke on health and the ill effects of Tobacco and Alcohol. Dr Vinod spoke on the burning health topics of today: Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS and their treatment and prevention. The programme was represented by Dr Manju Khees of Tata Steel and she spoke at length about different health issues faced by adolescents.

The students of this batch also went for International immersion programmes in countries like USA, France, Australia and Philippines. Under this programme, students got the opportunity to join partner management institutes abroad, through different courses. The programme was aimed at creating responsible leaders and managers who can take up assignments any part of the world.

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