US to help India in education sector

Updated on: Monday, April 23, 2012

The United States is ready to help India in the education sector in a variety of ways, a top Obama Administration official said.

"I've met repeatedly with my counterpart, the education minister from India. He's a remarkable man. We think we have challenges... I've said repeatedly, whatever we can do to be helpful we want to do that," Education Secretary Arne Duncan said at a White House news conference.
Duncan was responding to questions on the visit of four Indian States Education Ministers to visit the community colleges in the country.
"Whatever we can do to partner with the leaders from India, we want to do that. It's a very, very ambitious goal, and we want to see them achieve that," he said.
"I really believe a rising tide lifts all boats, and the more we have an educated workforce here in America, the more we have an educated workforce in India, the more we have that next generation of both employees and consumers, that's great for the world," Duncan said.
"So we want to partner together. We have, I think, still the best system of higher education in the world. We have amazing, amazing community colleges," he said.
"I was at there over the past two days in Wisconsin and Iowa. And whatever best practices we can share, whatever we can do to help India as they go on this very ambitious growth pattern, growth trajectory, we want to do that," said the Education Secretary.

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