Assocham survey claims majority of kids in metros suffer from backache

Updated on: Monday, April 23, 2012

Majority of school going children between the age group of 5 and 12 carry excessive load in their school bags, causing a higher risk of back pain and stress in them, said an Assocham survey.

"Nearly 82 per cent of children carry as much as over 35 per cent of their weight on their backs. Heavy school bags are causing children high levels of back problems which often worsen with age," the survey said.
The survey was conducted in 10 major cities, including Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai and Hyderabad on more than 2,000 pupils and their parents, during March and April.
It was observed that around 1,500 kids below the age of 12 could not sit properly without the support of slouch and suffered from orthopaedic problems.
"Excessive and uneven loads have been linked to an increased risk of back trouble and deformation of the spine. Stresses from these excess weights may cause harm and may adversely affect the growth of the musculo-skeletal system," said Assocham Health Committee Chairman Dr B K Rao.
The aim of this survey was to know the effects of schoolbag carriage on students.
Majority of the parents complain that on an average, there are seven to eight periods in a day and each subject involves a minimum of three bookstextbook, workbook and notebook.
Also they have to carry other items like skates, taekwondo, swim-bag, cricket kit on every alternate day.
Dr Rao, who is also the Chairman, Board of Management, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, said parents should ensure that children stick to their time table.

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