Appellate authorities of local bodies to be strenthened

Updated on: Monday, April 16, 2012

R S Singh, joint director, education,  said,the state government is to give more teeth to the appellate authorities of local bodies in all the 38 districts by giving them power to impose a fine of Rs 25,000 on the public representatives of panchayats, panchayat samitis, zila parishads and the municipal bodies for any irregularity or violation of rules in appointment of primary school teachers and shiksha mitras. A rule in this regard would be framed soon.

The appellate authorities in the 38 districts received 37,000 appeals with complaints related to irregularities in the appointment of shiksha mitras and primary teachers by the members concerned of the three-tier panchayati raj institutions. The authorities have disposed of 23,000 appeals so far, he said.

The education department organized an orientation programme for the members of the appellate authorities a couple of days back to brief them about the law, rules and circulars regarding the appointment of shiksha mitras and primary teachers. The programme focused on the finer points of the rules, regulations and circulars regarding appointment of shiksha mitras and primary teachers and to maintain standard in passing orders on the appeals and complaints.

Singh said retired judicial service members were functioning as appellate authorities in 22 districts. He said a few judicial members were changed at some places after receiving complaints of showing bias in passing order on appeals.

He said such decisions were taken only after the allegations were confirmed. He said the education department also organized several orientation programmes for the members of panchayats, panchayat samitis, zila parishads and the municipal bodies to make them aware of the laws, rules and circulars related to the appointment of shiksha mitras and primary teachers.

Singh said the ambit of the appellate authorities would be widened further by giving them power to adjudicate in case of any complaint lodged regarding irregularities in giving or utilizing grants to primary schools.

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