Cyber law to become part of university studies

Updated on: Thursday, April 12, 2012

Minister for technical and higher education Rajesh Tope said in the legislative assembly on Tuesday that to keep pace with the changing times, cyber law will be added to the curriculum of colleges affiliated to the Mumbai, Nagpur and Aurangabad universities from the next academic year.

The first batch of forensic science students will pass out this year, he said. Besides, a scholarship of Rs 6,500 per month will be instituted for PhD students in a bid to encourage research in humanities and pure science, Toped added.

Plans are afoot to start 14 hostels across the state for girl students at an estimated cost of Rs 70 crore. The hostels will cater to the requirements of nearly 2,250 students, he said.

An Indian Institute for Information Technology Centre will be set up in Pune; it will be a joint venture between the Centre, the state government and private players.

A scheme to train students from rural areas in skilled areas , such as mobile repairing, textile designing and cosmetics , will be launched in the state shortly under a Centresponsored scheme.

Stating that Maharashtra has set an annual target of training 45 lakh people in skilled works, Tope said a separate skill development council has been set up under the chairmanship of chief minister Prithviraj Chavan.

Midday meal kitchens

Central kitchens for the statewide midday meal scheme will be set up in major cities, school education minister Rajendra Darda said in the assembly. After a pilot project in Aurangabad yielded positive results, said Darda, plans were afoot to set up a similar central kitchen in Mumbai. 

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