IIM-C Convocation

Updated on: Thursday, April 12, 2012

The 47th Annual Convocation Ceremony was convened on Monday, the April 2 at the Joka campus. The brightest minds of the management sphere were recognised with diplomas and titles.

Kapil Sibal, minister of HRD, Communication & IT was the chief guest. The ceremony was also graced by the presence of Ajit Balakrishnan, CEO of Rediff.com and chairman of IIM Calcutta’s Board of Governors. Professor Shekhar Chaudhuri, director of IIMC, spoke on the Annual Report of the institute for the year 2011-2012.

Ten students received Fellowships while Diplomas were awarded to successful PGP students, which include 298 in PGDM and 52 in PGDCM. The successful ten Fellowship students were Vivek Rajvanshi and Titas Rudra of Finance & Control group, Soumyajit Kumar of Operations Management group, Soumya Sarkar and Vikas Goyal of Marketing group, Ram Babu Roy of MIS group, Apalak Khatua and Anshuman Tripathy of Behavioural Science group, Indrajit Mukherjee of Strategic Management group and Roohi Gupta of Sociology.

Sibal, addressing the 2012-graduating batch of IIM-C, said, “The country is in need of leaders. We have an incredible dearth of leadership in polity, governance and major financial institutions.”

“The Ministry of Human Resources has requested IIM-C to take the lead in organising a world management conference,” said Balakrishnan. He added, “To be held later this year or early next year at the institute's campus; this conference will do for IIMs and Indian management schools what the Literature Festival at Jaipur has done for Indian writing.”

Chaudhuri said they were in the process of collaborating with some top-ranking institutions such as US-based Fox School of Business of Temple University and Heinz School of Carnegie Mellon University.
“We have also started dialogues with some of our existing partners to explore opportunities for expanding our relationships from student exchange to include faculty exchange, joint research, joint conferences/workshops and other collaborative efforts,” shared Chaudhuri.

Ranked as one of the top ten B-schools of the country, IIM-C has partnerships with 48 leading B-Schools of the world with whom they conduct regular student exchange programmes.

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