More girls to take IIT exams

Updated on: Friday, April 06, 2012

The number of girl students who would take the IIT joint entrance examination in the Madras zone on April 8 is substantially

more this year than in previous years with 7,000 more opting for the exam.
The total number of applications in the zone has increased by 13,000.

Prof. Arindma Singh, chairman of the IIT-joint entrance examination organising committee (Madras zone), told that a total of 5.08 lakh students across the country have applied for the examination this year. “This is much higher compared to last year when about 4.8 lakh students registered for the examination,” he said.

Prof. Singh said that 78,000 students in Madras zone had applied for the examination on April 8 this year. “This is an

increase of 13,000 applications over last year. This is mainly because of the Union human resource development (HRD)

ministry’s initiative to waive the cost of application forms for girls who apply online, though boys need to pay `1,800,” he


Students would compete for nearly 10,000 seats across the country in 15 IITs, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu

University and Indain School of Mines, Dhanbad.

Sources in IIT said that the largest pool of applications has been from Kanpur, followed by Andhra Pradesh from the Madras

zone. There is a big upsurge in demand for quality education from students of middle or tier-two cities unlike the past when

most of the students applied were from metro-centric areas.

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