New initiative by Cambridge for English teachers

Updated on: Thursday, April 05, 2012

As part of a new initiative to raise teaching standards worldwide, experts from the University of Cambridge are offering English teachers a free online language awareness course

The course will be available through 'Cambridge English Teacher', a new online community for English language teachers developed by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations and Cambridge University Press.
'Grammar for Teachers: Language Awareness' is an online self-study course developed by experts to boost teachers with more confidence in using English grammar, a release by 'Cambridge English Teacher' said.
Andrew Nye, Stakeholder Relations Manager at Cambridge ESOL, said, "We're seeing some really encouraging teaching practices all around the world, but the key to raising English standards further is through ongoing professional development, which has been the driving force behind Cambridge English Teacher."
"We're encouraging teachers to take our language awareness course to give them even more confidence in English grammar so they can develop really effective classroom practices," Nye said, adding that the course is available through Cambridge English Teacher - an online community where teachers can connect with other professionals from around the world."
The community has already received over 2000 registrations since its launch earlier in March, the release said.
Nye said the project is building an online community that encourages English language teachers to share ideas and approaches on a global scale as part of their ongoing career development.
By paying a nominal annual fee, members of the community can upgrade their membership and can avail various benefits that include a free 10 hour professional development course, a 20 per cent discount on further courses and a digital subscription to English Teaching Professional magazine, Nye said.

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