University of Westminster and Jamia Milia Islamia sign MOU

Updated on: Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Britain's University of Westminster is partnering Jamia Milia Islamia for sharing of experience and expertise in the teaching of film and photography, besides increasing schalarships for Indian students.
An MoU has been signed between the British University's School for Media, Arts and Design and the Indian varsity's Mass Communication Research Institute to enhance colloboration on academy and research in the arena of films.
According to a statement from the University of Westminster, the move, along with a couple of other initiatives, was part of efforts to expand its presence in India.
The two media institutions will begin sharing experience and expertise in teaching practice-based film and photography courses at post-graduate, usually PhD level. 

"Academics from both institutions will also exchange information on research practice in film and photography, particularly documentary practice, while exploring opportunities for future collaborative research projects," it said.
The University has also announced a new series of scholarships, specifically for Indian students and a Delhi-based advice centre for students.

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