DUTA unhappy over attendance decision

Updated on: Monday, April 02, 2012

Members of the Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA) demanded an answer to the recent notification sent by the registrar to all colleges to submit attendance of their students every month, against the existing rule of submitting it every semester. The teachers are unhappy with the notification as, to begin with, the issue of attendance is not under the purview of the registrar, and more importantly, they want an ordinance to be passed first, in order to submit the attendance every month.

According to the association, the new order has been passed to keep a tab on teachers rather than to just make students aware if they are short of attendance . The DUTA members have sent several letters to the vicechancellor demanding a dialogue on the issue. The teachers also sat on a dharna outside the VC's office protesting the imposition of the new directive.

G S Chilana, department of physics, Ramjas College, said, "We are not submitting the attendance monthly as per the new directive and the principal has issued show-cause notices to us for not following the order. We will submit the attendance by mid-April only as it will be the last semester and examinations will begin from April 13. I feel the issue of attendance will fizzle out till the new academic session begins in July," says

DUTA member Abha D Habib said, "We are submitting the attendance for mid-semester (two months). We will not follow the new directive till the university passes an ordinance for the same. It is an academic matter and teachers must be involved in decision-making ."

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