Brain awareness week held at St Ann's

Updated on: Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Department of Psychology and the Department of Nutrition, St. Ann's College for Women, Hyderabad observed the “Brain Awareness Week” with a multi-disciplinary workshop “The Brain Matters – Implications of Brain Research for Mental Health”. The workshop sponsored by the UGC was to promote and provide the necessary impetus for interdisciplinary research in the areas of psychology, nutrition, and health. Prof. K.Subba Rao, School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad was the chief guest.

Prof. E.S. Krishnamoorthy, Senior Consultant in Clinical Neurology & Neuropsychiatry, Chennai, delivered the keynote address on the Emotional Brain.The other speakers at the workshop included Dr. M.S. Reddy, Psychiatrist who spoke on Depression and Dr. Sangeetha Menon, Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc, Bangalore on Brain and Consciousness. Dr. Bhaktiar Choudhury, Senior Consultant Sports Medicine, elaborated on the benefits of physical exercise for the brain while Dr. Prasad Rao, Psychiatrist unravelled the enigma of schizophrenia.

Dr. Braj Bhushan, Associate Professor of Psychology, IIT Kanpur took the participants through the topic of mental health in the light of Brain-Behaviour Research. M. Thomas Kishore of University of Hyderabad spoke on neurocognitive markers of autism. The experts from nutrition – Dr. Sylvia Fernandez Rao, scientist NIN, and Latha Sashi, consultant nutritionist enlightened the participants on the importance of nutrition for the brain in the prenatal and developing years.

Certificates were distributed to the participants. Dr. K. Anthonamma, Principal; Mary Leena, Provincial Superior Hyderabad Province; Lata Subramanya, Head Department of Psychology and Meena Kumari, Head, Department of Nutrition also spoke.

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